A Game of Inches

Everyone Needs A Good Lawyer

The United States Constitution has proven to be one of the most important legal documents in recent history. It is the foundation, the bedrock, upon which our great country was built on. It is what makes America special and what differentiates us from countries around the world. The Constitution is what makes America, America. Because […]


Healthy Heart, Healthy Lungs

Heart health is a popular topic of discussion in the medical world for longevity and overall health. What about the much less popular topic of lung health? The lung capacity of the average adult male is 6 liters. An athlete like Michael Phelps, however, has a lung capacity of 12 liters – double the average! […]

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"It's not just a game of inches - it's fractions of an inch when you are talking about Guitar Strings."
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"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle
The Devil is in the Details
"To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail." -Giorgio Armani